Japan RoHS (J-MOSS)

Japan RoHS law combines the Japanese Recycling Law (Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources in Japan) with the JIS C 0950 standard (marking for presence of the specific chemical substances for electrical and electronic equipment) and is referred to as J-MOSS. Japan RoHS restricts the same six substances in the same concentration limits as EU RoHS 2.

Japan RoHS Product Categories

  • Personal computers
  • Unit-type air conditionersv
  • Television sets
  • Refrigerators
  • Washing machines
  • Clothes dryers
  • Microwaves

All products in the above listed categories are marked with either an orange "R" mark or a green "G" mark, depending on whether any of the six restricted substances exceed concentration limits or not. If the content of a substance in a product exceeds its concentration limit, it must be disclosed on the product website in Japanese in accordance with the JIS C 0950 standard.

Japan RoHS Marking:

Also known as the J-Moss mark, the green symbol is affixed to products that pass RoHS compliance for all materials, while the orange symbol is affixed to products containing substances above RoHS limits.

Japan RoHS Marking

J-Moss green mark guidelines are issued by the following industry associations that cover the designated products: JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association), JEMA (Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association), and JRAIA (Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association).
